
What on earth am I doing?...

Typing a blog in a pub when I'm supposed to be learning differential calculus and complex numbers?

x+y/j^2=Fuck this...


Not going to get the chance to do this tomorrow so

Happy Christmas...


Three blogs makes a year... Right?

So I've only been using this incarnation of my blog for three (this being the third) posts.

But I'm going to list a few things that details my year a little.

Here are my favourite gigs, sporting events and other nonsensical things of the year. In no particular order.

Saracens vs Biarritz. Vicarage Road

This was the first time I'd seen my favourite rugby club (other than Bancroft) play in the Heineken cup, and against the Basque aristocrats is was expected to be a tough encounter. After a dogged first half with neither side giving too much away, the second half exploded into life with the massive Chris Jack getting two tries and Saracens generally running riot in front of the South stand. A fantastic performance which set the benchmark for their cup run to the semis. Despite being absolutely bloody freezing this performance certainly warmed me up.

46-16 Sarrrrriiiiiieeeeeessss.

Capdowns final show. The Pitz, Milton Keynes.

I don't listen to punk that much, certainly not in it's traditional forms. I don't listen to ska that often anymore and I haven't legally, illegally, borrowed, bought a drum n' bass track for a long long time. Yet like a few people will pretend they don't but still wholeheartedly agree, Capdown hold a lot of memories for many folk my own age. Whilst they'd slowly fallen out of favour with the rock media tycoons Kerrang (no black hair cuts or tedious drop c chug a longs, you know the drill). They still toured relentlessly but in June they brought it all to a close in their home town in front of 300, sweaty bastards. Whilst the Pitz is an absolute pain in the arse to find, it was a fitting end for a good hardworking band (we forget about the third album) who have more than cemented their place in British music history (whether some like it or not). I won't listen to any other ska core band ever again as for me these dudes more than summed up the genre in it's best light.

Jacob's Stories - Undisciplined Art

I came across this gentleman a few years ago when a friend with a ridiculous knowledge of unknown bands sent me this track (along with a couple of others) called "Unfinished Idea no 208". Since then I've only had that track until I started looking around to see what these old bands were up to. This lead to the pleasant finding of "Undisciplined Art" being sold from Stewart Lee, the one man army that is Jacob's Stories himself. A couple of e mails and a cheque later, his vinyl style hand packaged limited edition CD is in my post box in the residents office. an hour later I've finished listening to it and I'm a VERY happy boy. It's a crying shame he can't afford to tour more often (hint hint Stewart).

Saracens v Munster
, Heineken Cup Semi, Ricoh Arena... Coventry.

I don't often do spur of the moment things, in general I'm quite reserved and nervous about taking risks. Except when the opportunity came to watch this match. I'll probably never see a more tense, exciting, nerve wracking game of ruggers in my life.

I've many things about Muster fans that were all good. But to be outnumbered in your home country by 25,000 to 6,000 is something else. The two gentlemen I was sitting next to were incredibly serious but sporting blokes and we all agreed the referee was absolutely crap, but both teams did what they could to make a fantastic match I'll never forget. £40 a ticket was well worth it. Even if we lost by the skin of Munsters teeth.

Sarries 18-19 Munster.

Rapturefest. The Face Bar, Reading

I'm not going to list every band that played at this incredible line up. But I'll pick out my favourites...

Bossk and their inscent influenced amazingness, Blakfish (despite being pulled off early) for being very loud and energetic, Lavotchkin (same again!!!) for being even louder, HPR, The Shitty Limits were a very pleasant surprise (one of them sneaky punk bands yer know), Eta Carinae, Shield Your Eyes for the random shouting mid set but that's about it, Captials emo revival and finally Manatees for that amazing barrage of tinnitus they gave me despite wearing ear plugs. An weekend of bands in the most unsuitable venue ever, I'm pretty sure apart from myself and my two chums, only 10 other people paid, the rest of the audience were band members, Which is poor show from the music industry as a whole, but I suppose with it not being held at the Old Blue Last not too many were going to care enough to travel out.

Bossk's final show, The Underworld, Camden Town

I'd only seen Bossk once before (at the above mentioned gig), and that was enough to make me buy whatever CD's they have in store at the merch stand. I only got hold of their second album that time. This time I got a DVD, a t-shirt and another tinnitus attack from the departing Kent act, Humanfly and Latitudes is what was undoubtedly the loudest gig I've ever been to. The Underworld is a frustrating venue from the three times I've been there this year, because I always forget that what should be a good view there, means you won't see a thing because of the giant fucking pillar that holds stead in the middle of the dance floor. But Bossk really did tear things up on that night, chugging through all but one of their 5 songs (they write 'em long you know) in stylish fashion. Lovely but annoying stuff as they are now another band I now listen to shit loads after breaking up. Along with many others this year.


I never follow them through. The diet's been starting tomorrow now for two years.



I'm sure it's not a particularly interesting subject to most people. Young, foolish, loud, and drunk, why would it be?

Being a slightly more mature student I figured when I first got here I'd be surrounded by kids, who'd be all of the above and, to be fair most of the time they... But so have I and it's been nice acting like a child despite being a grandad compared to some of my floor mates.

But what is the general perception of students these days? Having spent a year away from education to work with guys who are past retirement age. I spent a lot of time listening to people my age being criticised for all the above reasons and when I made my late decision (May) to come to university. I was worried I was going to be a cynical old git who frowned upon everything my friends did here but infact I'm probably one of the more childish which is nice and freeing in a way.

But back to the question, why do people frown upon students so much? My part time job here is bar work and naturally, being near the centre of the city we get a lot of students come in. Mostly local sixth form girls (oi oi) and local working class men looking for sixth form girls. The most trouble I've had working there has been from mid twenties yobs perving on the young 'uns and then getting aggressive when they get turned down (funny that). Maybe I'm asking the wrong question, maybe I should be asking something else... Can't think what though, maybe I'm rambling.

To give you an idea of what we get up to here.

Here's my photo of the week.

Aren't we out there.

Listening to: Jeniferever, Jacob's Stories


Assignments Without Deadlines...

Are a bad idea for obvious reasons... (Shit doesn't get done)

I have two assignments left to hand in before Friday the 12th of this here month, both lab reports on pretty similar things but, for different modules. One involves some shit with Matlab, the other is electronics and all the formulae is frying my brain.

I should go to sleep

Especially since I have to spend tomorrow thinking about these things.

Listening to: Deftones, Charlottefield